Connect with fellow LEGO enthusiasts in the United States through a network of LEGO User Groups (LUGs).
Bay Area LEGO Users Group & Train Club As a non-profit, educational organization, BayLUG is dedicated to creating and maintaining public awareness of, appreciation for, and fellowship related to LEGO, LEGO Trains, and other LEGO related hobbies, primarily through discussion and presentation at events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of LEGO to the.
ROBOTMAK3RS –> MAKE – SHARE – INSPIRE [Recognized LEGO Online Community of Robot Experts]Robot makers from around the world who embrace all of LEGO robotic platforms (MINDSTORMS, WeDo, BOOST, Powered UP and Spike prime) to MAKE robots, SHARE our passion and INSPIRE generations to come to be interested with Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics.