A group of friends with a common passion.
RomagnaLUG: who are we?
We are a group of friends sharing a common interest: the brick produced by the famous company LEGO®.
On the occasion of the second edition of the exhibition “Mattoncino Day”, which is an event created in 2012 in Riolo Terme, we decided to found this group with the aim of combining our energies in order to best coordinate and organize our common hobby. In view of the various geographical origins of the members, we opted for a name that may represent the whole territory where we live, that is Romagna: here comes the name of the group RomagnaLUG.
RomagnaLUG: our logo is the “Caveja”.
The “Caveja” is considered the symbol of Romagna par excellence and its name is a dialect word proceeding from the country tradition. It is made up of a steel rod on which an extremity piece (“pagella”) is welded and decorated with rings and allegoric images.
The most popular symbols used as decorative elements were: the rooster, the half-moon, the sun, the eagle and some Christians symbols such as the Cross and the Dove.
In our logo the “Caveja” is honoured to come along with a yellow brick.
RomagnaLUG: our activities.
The members meet at least once a month, having dinner together and, at the same time, organizing and planning the exhibitions. We exchange ideas and create collaboration for the realization of projects shared by the members or for a community diorama.
We organized competitions among school pupils that made fantasy constructions, which were displayed and awarded during the exhibitions.
Moreover, we always arrange a free room where children of all ages can play and build together.
RomagnaLUG: are you interested?
Everyone who wants to be part of the group is welcome.
Just one requirement is to be met: being keen on LEGO® bricks.
Editor’s note: This site was offline in January 2025