Welcome! We’re an LGBTQ+ community (GAYFOLs and AFOLs) who share our love of LEGO. Our group is a welcoming, inclusive and SAFE space for those who want to discuss and share their love of LEGO in all its shapes, colours and themes while being their authentic selves.
No matter if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, trans, or two-spirit you are welcome.
Allies are very welcome to be a part of our group too!
We want everyone to enjoy themselves. We recognise not everyone likes the same sets and themes – and that’s ok. Just scroll on by if a post is not for you.
Our group is relaxed, friendly, and fun – we lift each other up not tear each other down.
If you want to join, you MUST clearly answer ALL the joining questions or your request will be refused. You can try again, but need to answer them all clearly. Be sure to tell us how you found us!!
Please review the rules – they are there to ensure the group runs smoothly and is enjoyable for everyone.
*this is a FAN group and is NOT in any way connected to the official LEGO group*